

It’s Going Down Campaign

JXTA Marketing & Communications


Organization // Juxtaposition Arts
Art Direction & Design // Melanie Walby

In 2017, as winter ice and snow thawed, bricks began falling off of a building at the corner of West Broadway and Emerson. The building was one of several owned by Juxtaposition Arts, a teen-staffed art and design center, gallery, retail shop, and artist studio space in North Minneapolis. The City inspector gave JXTA two options: 1) repair the building or 2) tear it down. After talking with their youth, artists, neighbors, and advisors they made a huge decision: It was time to clear space for the future. As Communications Manager, it was my role to design all collateral for the It’s Going DOWN campaign to bring the community along in this exciting transition. It’s Going DOWN covered the building demo, all related press releases, fundraising efforts, and updates on the new skateable art plaza that would be built where the corner building once stood.

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