


A Pollen Party


Agency // Pollen Studio
Writers // Jerome Rankine, Annemarie Eayrs
Engagement & Event Logistics // Julie Cohen
Host Committee Leads // Jamie Millard, Ruby Oluoch
Creative Director // Melanie Walby
Event Photography // Jaida Grey Eagle

When Covid-19 hit, Pollen shifted away from in-person events like everyone else. At the end of 2022, Pollen hosted a celebrating event to get our community together again. We had all been Up-to-Something and deserved a space to celebrate, reflect back on the past two years, and gather. Our team wasn’t quite sure what an event even looked like at that point in time, but we did know that coming together, communing and connecting with others, is vital to us as people and as a community. The event branding I created was inspired by Pollen’s office mural illustrated by Andréz Guzman and Bill Rebholz and the entire event design was made up of the design, illustration and photography from Pollen’s projects between 2020—2022. 

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